21 Living Room Lighting Ideas And Expert Tips In Toronto

1. Make it simple with contemporary Living Room Lighting with simple design can be striking of a modern living room and that's why you should take a risk with dramatic designs and unique fixtures. With their timeless shapes and bright colors, arc floor lights are timeless designs that could be used as an alternative to overhead lighting.

2. Warm Wall Lights will soften edges
The creation of an even, warm light around the edges your living space is crucial especially when you're dealing with a north-facing room. The wall lighting will reflect light back into your living space and create the illusion of being more spacious than an overhead lamp. They're also an excellent alternative if you have a small living room since they don't take up any valuable square footage or take up space on surfaces.

3. Do you need traditional lighting for your living room? It is recommended to consider ornate Sconces
Wall lights don't have to be a necessity to blend in the background. It is also possible to opt for something that is more attractive for those who prefer traditional lighting for your living spaces. We like how the intricate design of this sconce fits perfectly into this minimalist grey living room. The best place to mount lighting fixtures is above your eye level. This will minimize the amount of glare.

4. Mid-Century Modern Design makes a statement
Are you looking for living room lighting ideas to draw attention to your home? Invest in a standout chandelier or statement pendant light. You will be able to get that Mad Men vibe from anything that has big, round bulbs and a sculptural design.

5. Select A Steel Pendant Lamp To Get An Industrial Look
We've been in love with industrial-inspired interiors for a lengthy time, and we love the idea of incorporating this minimalist style into our living room lighting. The large, metal pendant lights add a sense of industrial style to any space. Be aware that the light they produce isn't always pleasant, so balance it with soft lighting and warm accent lights. Have a look at this Hanami for recommendations.

6. Create an Moroccan feel with lanterns
The living space can be transformed into a kasbah using mixing and matching lanterns in various sizes or designs. Ok you might not, but it's clear what we are talking about with this concept of lighting for living rooms.

7. Functional Living Room Lighting
If you frequently make use of your living area to work or read, then it is crucial to provide light for work. A floor lamp is an ideal alternative for a reading chair. The Ikea Delaktig lamp is subtle and blends into the living room. The adjustable height can accommodate your needs for workspace.

8. With a table lamp made of metal to illuminate a reading area
Copper accessories remain a great fascination? We're in love with copper accessories too. A simple metallic table lamp can bring a contemporary look to the lighting in your living space and, in addition, they're also functional and easy to move in the event that your favorite reading spot ever shift.

9. Make A Gallery Wall (With Your Living Room Lighting)
We like this lighting concept for the living room! Wall lights are a creative method to make a gallery wall shine. Curiousaand Curiousa's lights are striking however, they're similar to wall plates so the overall style isn't too crazy.

10. String Up the Fairy Lights If You're Still Doubtful
These fairy lights are the ideal method to create a mood in your living room. You can string them over mantelpieces, around windows or on frames to create contemporary candles. The Festoon Lights4fun is a top pick of ours. Since the light source is micro-faery you'll experience a more warm light than carnival lights. The brass-colored details make it a popular. Take a look at this Kuzco lighting for examples.

11. Accept Minimalist Chic With A Pared-Down Lamp
You don't need a fancy statement floor lamp to make an ideal living lighting source. Choose a sleek design and a nice metallic look. It's a light that will add elegance to any living room. Simple and beautiful.

12. Pick a floor lamp with a Dramatic Shape for Drama
While the lamp's light doesn't shine a lot, (in fact, the black shades reflect light upwards, but not downwards), it can create a focal point within a space. A large shade will make the biggest impact.

13. Center a Low Lamp over A Coffee Table
Why is this? The focal point of any room is created by putting a low-slung lamp over tables for coffee or dining tables. What is the way we want our living rooms to look? Social! Social! As a butterfly would to a lamp, guests are drawn to it.

14. Do not place your lamp in a dark place
A new lamp that you are awed by? Then treat it the same way you would a statue, a lamp, or a sculpture. Place it wherever you'd never normally display it. It could be placed near the coffee table. The mantle should be right next to it. Is it in the centre of a bay window? You can create any declaration you'd like.

15. Make a spotlight on your Top Pieces
The use of spotlights that stick on makes this living room lighting idea so easy that you don't have to be electrician. You can also give a relaxing feel to your living space by having lights wash over your most loved objects. Take a look at this Umage lighting for more.

16. Go For A Standout Chandelier As Living Room Lighting
It's impossible to go wrong when it comes to a chandelier. They work for any space both traditional and contemporary. A chandelier that is very elegant and intricate can make a contemporary living room appear stunning. It contracts the space and creates one of the most fascinating features. A chandelier is an essential feature in any traditional living space. Check our eBay for some stunning bargains.

17. You can replace a pendant light by an arc light
Arc lights can function as pendant lights by hanging in the middle of your room. But, unlike overhead lights, they emit less focused light which creates a cozier space. They make a great choice for the lighting of your living area if you need to define a space within your room but not completely change the wiring of the overhead light. Instead, you can shift the lights throughout your space to focus on one area. This would work great in an open kitchen that has small living spaces. This will give a welcoming, softened lighting effect in a room that would otherwise require bright task lighting.

18. Add In Some Fun Neon Lights
Hey neon lights! We didn't even know that neon lights would make an appearance. Add a touch of elegant neon (if that's even possible?) With a cute neon LED sign, you'll bring a splash of color to your living-room. You can choose to get smaller lights like the one above or a larger statement sign which highlights your most loved phrase.

19. Hang Low Pendant Lights
A pendant light that is adjustable can be lowered to create a soft, indirect light on a table. It's a great alternative to table lamps. The light in a pendant can be adjusted to give additional illumination. But, it isn't required to be placed at eye level constantly.

20. Spotlights can be used to boost brightness
Spotlights are a great way to let in light from the sun if your living space lacks light. Also, you should consider adding additional lighting sources to bring warmth to the room, such as lighting fixtures for the walls and floor. Don't forget to turn down your spotlights!

21. Clash Of The Chandeliers
The living room shouldn't be a space where functionality is prioritized over the style. It's an excellent way of expressing your individual design and adding some depth to the living room. A pineapple lamp can be a great accent that adds some humor and personality to the room. It is a great match with a striking chandelier. Clashing metals make a powerful style statement. Buchanan adds.

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